Add Restrictions To Your Ubuntu System With Lockdown Editor(Pessulus)
Linux is considered to be one of the most secure operating systems, but what if you are setting your system for public use? Then it becomes necessary that you should set some rules on the usage of computer so that the users are restricted to some particular areas of the system and they should not play with sensitive options. In Ubuntu, you can use Lockdown Editor (Pessulus) to lock down your settings specially Gnome Desktop and Panels.
Lets explore how we can install it in Ubuntu, go to Applications > Add/Remove, and choose Lockdown Editor and click Apply Changes.
It will take couple of minutes to install it, once installation is complete you can launch it from System > Administration > Lockdown Editor. Now there are some categories which lets you lock down the system options, under General category you can apply general rules like you can disable command line interface, printing and save to disk. Please note that you should apply these rules by logging in as main admin user of the system, and thus these rules will apply to all other users.
Similarly you can control different options regarding Panel from Panel category. If you are preparing your system for public use then it is always preferred to check all of the available options. Here you will find options to Lock down the Panels, Disable force quit, Disable lock screen and Disable log out.
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