Back In Time - Simple Way to Backup Your Linux

This tutorial to install Back In Time in Ubuntu. Its a very useful software to backup and restore your Ubuntu encase if there’s any problem with your Ubuntu. Back In Time acts as a “user mode” backup system. This means that you can backup/restore only folders you have write access to (actually you can backup read-only folders, but you can’t restore them). And now, here are the steps to install Back In Time.

1. Edit your sources.list file by typing:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

2. Add this following command into your sources.list:

deb stable main

Then save and exit.

3. Add GPA key information from the terminal:


sudo apt-key add le-web.key

4. Update your repositories by typing:

sudo apt-get update

5. Install Back In Time!

sudo apt-get install backintime-common backintime-gnome

6. And you’re set to go! You can found Back In Time in System Tools>Back In Time



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